
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our exclusive C-Level get-together at the SNG restaurant in Cologny, Geneva.


In addition to the opportunity for networking with our selected guests, we are glad to announce the notable guest speaker, the economist, Professor Dr. Aymo Brunetti. He will provide interesting insights about the current economic situation.

Additionally, we invite you to discover and to test ride the latest future-oriented technology on the electric bike market: the Stromer ST7, available from October ‘22. This Swiss product not only stands out in terms of design, performance and technology, it also sets new standards in the Speed Pedelec market and opens up new possibilities in mobility.


The C-Level event is limited to a small number of selected guests to make this evening special. We would be very happy to welcome you to this exclusive happening.  



16:00 – 18:00     

Welcome aperitif, networking, test riding the Stromer top mocels ST7, ST5 and ST3


18:00 – 18:30     

The Stromer Success Story and trends in mobility: How the brand,

created in a farmhouse, grew to a global no. 1 player in the S-Pedelec

market, and how mobility is developing in and around the world.

Presented by co-CEOs Tomi Viiala and Dr. Karl Ludwig Kley.


18:30 – 19:00

Guest speech “How the current inflation and currency instability could

impact the Swiss economy” by Prof. Dr. Aymo Brunetti.

Prof. Dr. Brunetti (1963) is a Professor of Economic Policy and Regional Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Bern.  From 2003 to 2012 he was Head of the Economic Policy Directorate at SECO. In February 2012 he took up his current position at the University of Bern.


19:00 – 21:00

Dinner, networking, further test riding


Restaurant de la SNG

Quai de Cologny 1, Cologny
1223 Cologny